BCH Cores Specialized Equipment Listing

Equipment Name Make/Model Functionality Core Facility Location Equipment URL
nCounter Max Nanostring nCounter MAX
The Nanostring nCounter MAX offers comprehensive access to NanoString’s molecular barcoding technology for nucleic acid profiling. This high-throughput platform enables simultaneous examination with minimal sample input. The nCounter provides precise and robust data for challenging sample types, from aDNA to FFPE tissue. Companion nSolver Analysis Software facilitates intuitive multiplexed analysis for gene expression, immune profiling, and pathway deregulation.

Molecular Genetics Core

CLS 16054

nCounter Max

NextSeq 1000 Illumina NextSeq 1000
The NextSeq™ 1000 provides high-quality, high-coverage genomic data with streamlined workflows and advanced library preparation options. Compatible with Illumina’s trusted library preparation kits, it supports single, paired-end, and indexed sequencing with an accuracy of >85% of sequenced bases over Q30. Designed for scalability and efficiency, the NextSeq 1000 enables researchers to rapidly analyze simple prokaryotic and complex eukaryotic genomes. Its compact design and intuitive user interface make it an ideal choice for labs seeking powerful sequencing capabilities for a wide range of applications, from targeted gene panels to whole-genome sequencing.

Molecular Genetics Core

CLS 16054

NextSeq 1000

Nanopore PromethION 24 Nanopore PromethION 24
The PromethION 24 by Oxford Nanopore Technologies offers scalable and versatile long-read sequencing that captures native DNA and RNA fragments ranging from 20 to four million bases. The system supports up to 24 simultaneous experiments rapid workflows and real-time data analysis, ideal for whole genome sequencing, methylation analysis, or direct RNA sequencing. The PromethION 24 delivers high-yield, biologically-dense genomes that satisfy a wide range of sequencing interests.

Molecular Genetics Core

CLS 16054

Nanopore PromethION 24

Dissecting Microscopes Leica/Zeiss Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04002/17
Thermal Place Preference Bioseb
Threshold heat preference.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04016 Thermal Place Preference
Sleep Deprivation/Fragmentation Pinnacle Technology
Sleep Deprivation or fragmentation chambers.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Sleep Deprivation/Fragmentation
PalmReader BlackBox Bio
Machine learning analysis of bottom-up imaging of rodent behavior.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core BlackBox Bio PalmReader
ABI 3730 DNA Analyzers Thermo Fisher/SeqStudio
The 48-capillary 3730 DNA Analyzer is the Gold Standard in medium-to-high throughput genetic analysis. Use the 3730 DNA Analyzer for DNA fragment analysis applications such as microsatellites, AFLP, SNP analysis, mutation detection and traditional DNA sequencing. Get the highest quality data at a low cost per sample. Two are available.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.21 ABI 3730 DNA Analyzers
QIAGEN Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction QIAGEN/QIAcube
For fully automated nucleic acid extraction with QIAGEN spin-column kits. Automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 3000 protocols. Allows automated DNA, RNA and protein sample processing. Eliminates manual processing steps. Generates standardized results.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.23 QIAGEN Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction
HPLC Shimadzu
Hemoglobin analysis for sickle cell patients
TransLab EN 428 HPLC
CliniMACS® Plus Milteny biotec
Large scale magnetic cell selection
TransLab EN 423 CliniMACS® Plus
SpectraMax i3 Molecular Devices
Measures absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence
TransLab EN 428 SpectraMax i3
Cedex bioanalyzer Roche
Cell culture bioprocess analyzer (glucose, lactate etc)
TransLab EN 210 Cedex bioanalyzer
QuantStudio™5 Real time PCR Life Technologies
Molecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trials
TransLab EN 447 QuantStudio™5 Real time PCR
Droplet Digital™ PCR BioRad
Molecular monitoring of patients on gene therapy trials
TransLab EN 428 Droplet Digital™ PCR
BD FACSMelody™ Becton Dickinson
Cell cytometer, patient monitoring
TransLab EN 447 BD FACSMelody™
MACSQuant® TYTO Cell Sorter Milteny biotec
Cell sorting for therapy applications
TransLab EN 447 MACSQuant® TYTO Cell Sorter
BD FACSLyric™ Becton Dickinson
Flow cytometer, patient monitoring
TransLab EN 447 BD FACSLyric™
Luminex MAGPIX® Luminex
Multiplexing analytes
TransLab EN 428 Luminex MAGPIX®
STEMvision™ Stem Cell technologies
Hematopoietic colony counter
TransLab EN 210 STEMvision™
6-Laser Symphony (Sorter) BDFACSymphony S6
The Symphony is a 6-laser flow cytometry with the flexibility to sort up to 6 ways or into plates or slides. This cytometer helps to isolate subpopulations and can measure 20 or more colors.
Flow Cytometry Core CLS15037 BDFACSymphony S6
Cytek Aurora (Analyzer) Cytek Aurora
The Cytek Aurora is a 5-laser flow cytometer equipped with 64 fluorescence channels, providing comprehensive spectrum cytometry capabilities. Additionally, it supports the utilization of up to 40 colors with emission spectra in proximity, eliminating the need for filter changes.
Flow Cytometry Core Karp Rm 8018 Cytek Aurora (Analyzer)
IMARIS 10 Image Analysis Software Oxford Instruments
3D/4D visualization and analysis for cell based segmentation, automated tracking, detection, interactive lineage trees and statistical tests (for customization in Matlab, Java or Python)
Cellular Imaging Core CLS13035 IMARIS 10 Image Analysis Software
LS7 Lightsheet Microscope Zeiss
A lightsheet microscope enables full 3D volumetric imaging of transparent samples, both live and fixed. Particular sample preparation (eg. tissue clearing) is required.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS13035 Zeiss LS7 Lightsheet Microscope
Tokai Hit Stage Top Environmental Chamber STR
CO2 and Temp control for live cell monitoring on Keyence epifluorescent scope
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1313 Tokai Hit Stage Top Environmental Chamber
Sh800S Sorter Sony
The optical design offers up to four collinear excitation lasers (488 nm, 405nm, 561nm and 638nm) and six fluorescence detectors. The six free-form PMTs enable detection of fluorescence signals from any laser based on filter selection. Provides the highest level of automation available in any cell sorter, allowing researcher set-up, alignment, calibration and monitoring with a push of a button.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1300 Sony SH800S Sorter
10x Genomics Chromium 10x Genomics
Generates individually barcoded sequencing libraries for hundreds of thousands of nanoliter volume oil droplets using up to 1.7 million different barcodes
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 625 Chromium
Vizgen MERFISH Vizgen
MERFISH is an automated, spatially resolved single-cell transcriptome profiling technology. MERFISH combines the power of single-cell transcriptomics with spatial biology by directly visualizing and counting up to a billion RNA transcripts from 100’s to 10,000 genes across 1cm2 tissue slices with single-cell resolution
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1300 Vizgen MERFISH
Teledyne Photometrics IRIS 15 sCMOS camera Photometric IRIS 15 camera
Microscope Camera
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 603 Teledyne Photometrics IRIS 15 sCMOS camera
Special Optics/ASI cleared tissue multi-immersion objectives Special optics cleared tissue objective 0.4NA
Image tissue in cleared media
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 Special Optics/ASI cleared tissue multi-immersion objectives
Okolab Stagetop Microscope Incubation System Okolab DiSPIM
Provide incubation to DiSPIM microscope
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 Okolab Stagetop Microscope Incubation System
Zeiss LSM 980 w/ Airyscan 2 Zeiss LSM 980 / Axio Observer 7
Laser scanning confocal microscope with Airyscan 2 detector array.
IDDRC Cellular Imaging Core Facility Center for Life Sciences: RM 13035 Zeiss LSM 980 w/ Airyscan 2
Class II bio-safety level laminar flow hood with UV light option Thermo Scientific™/ Catalog number: 1375
Mammalian cell/tissue culture
Viral Core CL13055 Class II bio-safety level laminar flow hood with UV light option
VTi 50.1 Vertical Rotor Package Beckman Coulter/ Product No:C78759
Optima Series ultracentrifuges
Viral Core CL13065 VTi 50.1 Vertical Rotor Package
Midi CO2 Incubator (40 L) equipped with a Digital Mini Rotator Thermo Scientific™/ Catalog number: 3403
Mammalian cell/tissue culture
Viral Core Karp 4038 Midi CO2 Incubator (40 L) equipped with a Digital Mini Rotator
SW 32 Ti Swinging-Bucket Rotor Package Beckman Coulter/ Product No:369694
Swinging-Bucket (Ultracentrifugation)
Viral Core CL13067 SW 32 Ti Swinging-Bucket Rotor Package
Singulator™ 100 Automated Tissue Dissociation System
The Singulator 100 system automates the isolation and processing of single cells from tissue samples via microfluidic technology. Maintaining cell viability and integrity, it offers gentle extraction of cells from heterogeneous samples enabling downstream analysis including single cell sequencing and transcriptomics.
Molecular Genetics Core CL16052 Singulator™ 100 Automated Tissue Dissociation System
QIAcube Connect System QIAcube Connect System FUL-1
For fully automated nucleic acid extraction with QIAGEN spin-column kits. Automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 3000 protocols. Allows automated DNA, RNA and protein sample processing. Eliminates manual processing steps. Generates standardized results.
Molecular Genetics Core CL16030.21 QIAcube Connect System
Covaris R230 Focused-ultrasonicator
The Covaris R230 Focused-ultrasonicator is designed for precise and controlled shearing of biological samples. It delivers highly reproductible and efficient sample processing to achieve targeted fragment sizes across a wide range of sample types. This system is ideal for several applications including DNA and chromatin shearing, next-generation sequencing library preparation, and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).
Molecular Genetics Core CL16054 Covaris R230 Focused-ultrasonicator
Fisherbrand Isotemp General Purpose Laboratory Refrigerator
This two-door Laboratory Refrigerator maintains 2-10C with green refrigerants, adaptative defrost, and temperature alarms.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS16 Fisherbrand Isotemp General Purpose Laboratory Refrigerator
Chromium iX Chromium iX
The 10x Genomics Chromium X Series enables single-cell and spatial genomics research via microfluidic technology and parallel sequencing capabilities. For low and high throughput, the Chromium iX handles all single-cell assays and analyzes hundreds of thousands of cells per run.
Molecular Genetics Core CL16054 Chromium iX
Bio-Rad C1000 Touch thermal cycler C1000 Touch™ Thermal Cycler with 96–Deep Well Reaction Module #1851197
The Bio-Rad C1000 Touch thermal cycler is designed for precise polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. It features flexible ramp rates and a wide temperature range to accommodate various PCR protocols and experimental needs.
Molecular Genetics Core CL16030.20 Bio-Rad C1000 Touch thermal cycler
Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Flex Series Genetic Analyzer SEQSTUDIO 24 FLEX
The SeqStudio Flex Series is a 24 capillary electrophoresis system capable of Sanger Sequencing analysis (for NGS confirmation, indel detection, SNP detection, genome editing verification, microbial identification, etc…) and fragment analysis (ie microsatellite analysis).
Molecular Genetics Core CL16030.19 Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Flex Series Genetic Analyzer
Bionano Compute Server 80014 Bionano Compute Server
The Bionano Compute Server employs innovative computational power to process and analyze intricate genomic data generated by the Bionano Genomics platform. Leveraging cloud-based infrastructure, these advanced algorithms can process optical genome mapping, structural variant detection, and assembly analysis. Additionally, with its automated analysis pipelines, the Bionano Compute server allows for a high number of large genome samples to be run simultaneously.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS16 Bionano Compute Server
Ultimate 3000 BioRS HPLC with MWD and Chromeleon ThermoFisher Scientific/Ultimate 3000 HPLC
Ultimate 3000 HPLC with UV/Vis, florescent and electrochemical detectors and Chromeleon analysis software. This is a versatile HPLC system with multiple detectors to quantify a variety of analytes of interest.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core CLS 13030 Ultimate 3000 BioRS HPLC with MWD and Chromeleon
Pinnacle Technologies Inc. Video EEG System Pinnacle Technologies/Sirenia Sleep Pro
3-Channel tethered EEG systems with Sirenia Sleep Pro software and IR night vision cameras for sleep scoring.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Karp 04013.1 Pinnacle Technologies Inc. Video EEG System
NEPA21 in vivo Electroporator NEPA21
In vivo electroporation of mouse embryos
Mouse Gene Manipulation Core EN7.2 NEPA21 in vivo Electroporator
Eppendorf micro manipulators 4r, Femotojet 4i injector, CellTram Air - pneumatic microinjector, CellTram Oil hydraulic microinjector Eppendorf 4r, 4i, CellTram Air, CellTram Oil
Mouse embryo micromanipulation and microinjection
Mouse Gene Manipulation Core EN7.2 TransferMan 4r, FemtoJet 4i, CellTram 4m Air and CellTram 4m Oil
Phenome Technologies Circadian Cabinets and AXIS IP Cameras 2 Modified (PT2-CCM3-MOD); 1 unmodified (PT2-CCM3) mouse cabinets; AXIS M4216-LV IP cameras Animal Behavior and Physiology Core RB4013.1 Phenome Technologies Circadian Cabinets AXIS IP Cameras
Phenome Technologies Circadian Cabinets with Actimetrics ClockLab Chamber Control Software 3 Modified (PT2-CCM3-MOD); 2 unmodified (PT2-CCM3) mouse cabinets; Clocklab Chamber Control Software (AM1-CC02) Animal Behavior and Physiology Core RB4013.1 Phenome Technologies Circadian Cabinets Actimetrics ClockLab Chamber Control Software
GPU work station for cryo-EM data processing
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 17 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
PCMM Microscopy Core GPU work station for cryo-EM data processing
Class II bio-safety level laminar flow hood with UV light option
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 17 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Viral Core Class II bio-safety level laminar flow hood with UV light option
Singulator™ 100 Automated Tissue Dissociation System
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 17 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Singulator™ 100 Automated Tissue Dissociation System
Cytek Aurora FACS
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 17 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
PCMM Cytek Aurora FACS
Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix Plus High-Content Screening System Revvity (former Perkin Elmer)
A spinning disk confocal microscope is used for high-throughput, high-content assays, phenotypic screening, assays using complex disease models, such as live cells, primary cells, and microtissues, and fast-response assays, such as Ca2+ flux. It is equipped with a liquid handling environmental chamber, 5 lasers and 4 cameras, a full set of objectives, 5x air, 10x air, 20x air, 20x water, 40x water, and 63x water objectives.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121 Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix Plus High-Content Screening System
Andor BC43 Benchtop Confocal Microscope
Benchtop spinning disk confocal with widefield capabilities. User-friendly software and speedy acquisition. Laser choices are 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 631nm.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 Andor BC43 Benchtop Confocal Microscope
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 16 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Mouse Gene Manipulation Core NEPA21
Covaris R230 Focused-ultrasonicator
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 16 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Covaris R230 Focused-ultrasonicator
MaxCyte ExPERT GTx scalable transfection system Maxcyte
Scalable electroporator primarily used for gene editing (clinical)
TransLab EN 206 MaxCyte ExPERT GTx scalable transfection system
AutoSampler for ImageStreamX Mark II Imaging Flow Cytometer
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 16 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
PCMM Flow and Imaging Cytometry Resource AutoSampler for ImageStreamX Mark II Imaging Flow Cytometer
VTi 50.1 Vertical Rotor Package
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 15 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Viral Core VTi 50.1 Vertical Rotor Package
BD FACSymphony™ A5 Cell Analyzer
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 15 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Cell Function and Imaging Core BD FACSymphony™ A5 Cell Analyzer
Fisherbrand Isotemp General Purpose Laboratory Refrigerator
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 15 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Fisherbrand Isotemp General Purpose Laboratory Refrigerator
Chromium iX
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 15 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Chromium iX
Lenovo HPC nodes (SIDX00KBDU)
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 14 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Research Computing Lenovo HPC nodes (SIDX00KBDU)
Leica Thunder Imaging System Leica Thunder
High end, automated widefield microscope with full incubation and phase transmission imaging. Excellent characteristics for a widefield with a massive amount of excitation bands including CY7 and Alexa 750 support. Has built in computational clearing methods as well. Absolute breeze at whole slide acquisitions and long-term live experiments.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 403 Leica Thunder Imaging System
Circadian controlled housing boxes and ip Cameras
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 14 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Circadian controlled housing boxes and ip Cameras
Bio-Rad C1000 Touch thermal cycler
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 14 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Bio-Rad C1000 Touch thermal cycler
Eppendorf micro manipulators 4r, Femotojet 4i injector, CellTram Air - pneumatic microinjector, CellTram Oil hydraulic microinjector
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 14 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Mouse Gene Manipulation Core Eppendorf micro manipulators 4r, Femotojet 4i injector, CellTram Air - pneumatic microinjector, CellTram Oil hydraulic microinjector
Rodent barostat and associated equipment (amplifier, analyzer, and software) necessary for measuring visceral sensitivity in mice.
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 13 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Rodent barostat and associated equipment (amplifier, analyzer, and software) necessary for measuring visceral sensitivity in mice.
Midi CO2 Incubator (40 L) equipped with a Digital Mini Rotator
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 13 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Viral Core Midi CO2 Incubator (40 L) equipped with a Digital Mini Rotator
Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Flex Series Genetic Analyzer A53631
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 13 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Flex Series Genetic Analyzer
JASCO FP-8350 Spectrofluorometer Jasco FP-8350
Measure Fluorescence Spectra
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 611 JASCO FP-8350 Spectrofluorometer
Actimetrics Circadian Cabinets with ClockLab Chamber Control Software
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 13 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Actimetrics Circadian Cabinets with ClockLab Chamber Control Software
Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan2 microscope Zeiss
A laser scanning confocal microscope enables full 3D imaging of both live and fixed samples. The airyscan detector provides faster image acquisition and higher resolution than typical confocal imaging.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS13035 Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan2 microscope
Columbus Instruments 2 lane metabolic treadmill 1012M-2 Modular Enclosed Metabolic Treadmill for Mice, 2 Lanes w/ Shock
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 12 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Columbus Instruments 2 lane metabolic treadmill
Bionano Compute Server
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 12 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Molecular Genetics Core Bionano Compute Server
TECAN SPARK Multi-mode Plate Reader Tecan Spark
: Multiwell plate reader, fluorescence transmission
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 603 TECAN SPARK Multi-mode Plate Reader
Ultimate 3000 BioRS HPLC with MWD and Chromeleon
This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 12 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Animal Behavior and Physiology Core Ultimate 3000 BioRS HPLC with MWD and Chromeleon
AxioImager Slide-scanning Microscope Zeiss
Able to obtain widefield images for fluorescent and/or colorimetric/histology stains, complete with a slide-scanning stage for up to 8 slides.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13035 AxioImager Slide-scanning Microscope
Luna-FL Automated Fluorescent and Brightfield Cell Counter
The LUNA-FL Cell Counter fluorescence optics and image analysis for precise cell counting and viability analysis. Using two fluorescence channels and automated analysis, it simultaneously detects multiple stains for live and dead cells.

Molecular Genetics Core


Luna-FL Automated Fluorescent and Brightfield Cell Counter

SW 32 Ti Swinging-Bucket Rotor Package
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 11 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.

Viral Core

SW 32 Ti Swinging-Bucket Rotor Package

GPU computing node
Hardware for cloud computing

Cell Function and Imaging Core

Research Computing BCH facility (O2 cluster)

CFIC cluster computation node

Pinnacle Technologies Inc. Video EEG System
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 11 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.

Integrated Behavior & Physiology Core

Pinnacle Technologies Inc. Video EEG System

FPLC Machine
This piece of equipment was funded by ECRAC in cycle 1. Please contact the core for more information.

Cell Function and Imaging Core

FPLC Machine

Automated CFU Counter
This piece of equipment was funded by ECRAC in cycle 1. Please contact the core for more information.


Automated CFU Counter

This piece of equipment was funded by ECRAC in cycle 1. Please contact the core for more information.

Human Neuron Core


Bio-Rad CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System Bio-Rad CFX Connect Optics module
The CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System offers two-target analysis, excellent thermal cycler specifications, and the same reliable performance as the CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System. The system incorporates innovative optical technologies with powerful software to provide maximal reliability and efficiency for all your real-time PCR needs.

Viral Core

CL 13060.13

Bio-Rad CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System

Sorvall LYNX 4000; Superspeed Floor Centrifuge and four compatible rotors
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 3. Please contact the core for more information.

Cell Function and Imaging Core

Thermo ScientificSorvall LYNX 4000 Superspeed Centrifuge

Leica M80 Dissecting Microscopes Leica/M80
Harvest different stages of mouse embryos and surgical transfer of manipulated embryos.

Mouse Gene Manipulation Core

ARCH EN 007.2

Leica M80 Dissecting Microscopes

Data Sciences International Ponemah EEG Acquisition System

Please contact the core for more information.

Integrated Behavior & Physiology Core

Data Sciences International Ponemah EEG Acquisition System

IXM-C 1000mW laser upgrade
Upgraded confocal instrument from LED to Laser, to reduce scan times and increase work flow for high content capture and analysis.

Human Neuron Core

CLS 12121

IXM-C 1000mW laser upgrade

5430R Centrifuge, refrigerated, KEYPAD, with 6x15/50ml ROTOR, 120V Eppendorf5430R
Works with 50 mL conical tubes and 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes.

Viral Core

CLS 13060.8, 13060.9, 13060.10

5430R Centrifuge, refrigerated, KEYPAD, with 6x15/50ml ROTOR, 120V

Celeris ERG system
Rodent electroretinography
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 4 Room 04004 Celeris ERG system
Okolab Stagetop Microscope Incubation System
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 6 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Okolab Stagetop Microscope Incubation System
Special Optics/ASI cleared tissue multi-immersion objectives
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 6 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Special Optics/ASI cleared tissue multi-immersion objectives
Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter AMQAF1000
The Countess™ II FL Automated Cell Counter is a fully automated, 3-channel cell counter and assay platform that uses EVOS™ light cube technology, state-of-the-art optics, and image analysis algorithms to analyze fluorescently labeled cells or trypan blue stained samples in suspension.
Viral Core CLS 13064 Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter
Sartorius IncuCyte S3 Live-Cell Analysis System Sartorius IncyCyte S3
Automated collection, measurement and analysis of culture in situ, for short/long term time lapse experiments.
Microscopy Core, Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine 210 Longwood Ave., Amenise 2 Room 235 Sartorius IncuCyte S3 Live-Cell Analysis System
Electrophysiology rig with light microscope
This electrophysiology rig with light microscope is capable of single-cell (current-clamp, patch-clamp) and extracellular (local field potential) recordings. Additionally, this rig has two headstages, enabling dual channel recordings, and a temperature control system, allowing for physiological temperatures to be maintained during experiments. The Olympus light microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC) allows optimal visualization of specimens to confirm electrode placement. Lastly, the Lumenera camera allows for images and continuous video (30 fps at full resolution of 1280 x 1024) for documentation during recordings.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core CLS14041 Electrophysiology rig with light microscope
Max 4000 Benchtop Orbital Shakers SHKE4000
With a spacious 18 × 18 in. platform for high vessel capacity and precisely monitored temperature and speed, MaxQ™ 4000 Benchtop Orbital Shaker is an ideal equipment for E.coli culture.
Viral Core Bay 13060.1 Max 4000 Benchtop Orbital Shakers
The Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac SPD1030 system
The Thermo Scientific Savant SpeedVac uses vacuum technology to expedite drying processes and efficiently concentrate and evaporate samples.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS16
Teledyne Photometrics IRIS 15 sCMOS camera
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 9 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Cell Function and Imaging Core
Zeto EEG headset
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 9 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
TNC Human Neurophysiology Core Zeto EEG headset
Nikon Eclipse Ti2E inverted microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E
Motorized, live-imaging compatible, inverted microscope for automated high content and confocal applications, including calcium imaging and optogenetics.
Human Neuron Core CLS12161.1 Nikon Eclipse Ti2E inverted microscope
FujiFilm VisualSonics Vevo 3100 Imaging System
This piece of equipment was funded in ECRAC cycle 9 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information.
Heracell 240i CO2 Incubator 51032877
The Heracell 240i Incubator, which is equipped with three rows of bottle-turning devices for roller bottles, each with independent speed control, is suitable for scaling up mammalian cell culture.
Viral Core CLS 13064 Heracell 240i CO2 Incubator
Huygens Professional Image Processing Software Huygens professional
Deconvolution images
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 603 stedycon computer Huygens Professional Image Processing Software
Echo655 acoustic liquid handler
Nanoliter dispensing of compounds for drug screening/high throughput screening.
Human Neuron Core SGM640 Echo655 acoustic liquid handler
Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan2 Confocal Microscope This item was funded in ECRAC cycle 10 and has not yet been purchased. Please contact the core for more information. Cellular Imaging Core Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan2 Confocal Microscope
Abberior StedyCon Stimulated Depletion (STED) super-resolution microscope Abberior STEDYCON
Super resolution microscope capable of 30nm resolution. STED is a very easy and user-friendly technique. Literally just swap secondary labelled for Star Red and or Orange fluorophores, that’s it! Really excels at colocalization experiments as well. Huygens decon available for use.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 603 Abberior StedyCon Stimulated Depletion (STED) super-resolution microscope
CT Scanners Siemens Somatom Force
Dual-energy CT
Research Imaging Core Boston CT Scanners
Digital Radiography Philips Digital Diagnostic
Diagnostic X-ray exams
Boston, Peabody, Waltham, Weymouth Digital Radiography
Quant Nanoparticle Analyzer Zetaview
The Zetaview small particle analyzer employs Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) which relates the rate of Brownian motion of the particles in liquid suspension to particle size.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1052 Quant Nanoparticle Analyzer
Tape Station 4200 Agilent
The Agilent 4200 TapeStation system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for DNA and RNA sample quality control. This tape station does fully automated sample processing which enables the unattended analysis of size, concentration and integrity.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1317 Agilent 4200 TapeStation
Real-time PCR System Applied Biosystems
Used to assess gene expression and perform genotyping, copy number determination, microRNA analyses, and pathogen detection. The system is equipped with interchangeable blocks that are controlled with a Dell Desktop computer containing QuantStudio 6 and 7 Software as well as Primer Express Software. The 384-well format increases throughput and reduces reagent usage; the 96-well Fast block reduces real-time PCR runs from 2 hours to 40 minutes, which will allow 3 times as many experiments to be run each day; and blocks have three temperature zones. Both SYBR Green and TaqMan reactions can be run, with 5 coupled excitation and emission filter channels.
Vascular Biology Program Karp Family Research Laboratories 12.0011.1 Alcove Real-time PCR System
Tokai Hit Environmental Chamber for Keyence BZ-X700 STR
CO2 and Temp control for live cell monitoring on Keyence epifluorescent scope
Molecular Genetics Core
Chromium Controller 10x Genomics/Chromium Controller
Partitioning device used to isolate single cells from a cell suspension in “Gel Bead-in-Emulsion” droplets, where nucleic acid of interest is extracted and tagged with a cell-specific barcode for downstream Next-Gen Sequencing library prep and sequencing.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.23 Chromium Controller
4200 TapeStation Agilent/4200 TapeStation
Fully automated electrophoresis device for RNA and DNA sample quality assessment. Capable of assessing intactness of extracted genomic DNA or RNA, as well as size and concentration of either nucleic acid. Especially useful for Next-Gen Sequencing quality control, such as library-prep QC.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.23 4200 TapeStation
NanoDrop 8000 Spectrophotometer ThermoFisher/NanoDrop 8000
Microvolume UV-Vis and Fluorescence spectrophotometer used for nucleic acid and protein quantification and quality assessment. Additionally capable of Microarray fluorescent labeling QC analysis, as well as Pierce 660, Bradford, BCA, Lowry assays. 8000 model has 8 channels improving speed.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.23
SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer Applied Biosystems/SeqStudio
Capillary electrophoresis system capable of Sanger Sequencing analysis (for NGS confirmation, indel detection, SNP detection, genome editing verification, microbial identification, etc…) and fragment analysis (ie microsatellite analysis).
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16030.21

<a href="https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/sequencing/sanger-s..."> SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer </a> 

Centrifuge Eppendorf 5430R
Works with 50 mL conical tubes and 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes
CLS 13060.8, CLS 13060.9, CLS 13060.10 Centrifuge
DiSPIM Lightsheet microscope ASI
Inverted dual objective Lightsheet microscope system allows rapid 3-dimensional live and fixed imaging of cells, tissues and organoids. The system is equipped with piezo-controlled dual objectives (20x air, or 40x water), four solid state lasers with AOTF control, X-Y-Z piezo driven motorized stage, specialized chambers, computer and high-resolution monitor. This system is additionally configured for live inverted ratio epifluorescence imaging with a DG4 high-speed switching xenon light source and digital CMOS camera.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 DiSPIM Lightsheet microscope
Seahorse Xfe 96 Analyzer Agilent
Analyzer measures oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) of live cells in a 96-well plate format. These rates are key indicators of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis. They provide a systems-level view of cellular metabolic function in cultured cells and ex-vivo samples.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 622 Seahorse Xfe 96 Analyzer
FACSMelody Cell Sorter BD Bioscience
This cell-sorting technology allows researchers to simultaneously isolate two cell populations into separate tubes or deposit single or multiple target cells into 96- or 384-well plates.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613

FACSMelody Cell Sorter

FACSCanrto II BD Bioscience
Analysis of cell surface or intracellular proteins or other “markers,” intracellular cytokine production and receptor-mediated endocytosis, sorting, and recycling.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 FACSCanrto II
BD LSRFortess BD Bioscience
The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications. Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 BD LSRFortess
Kinetic Imaging Cytometer (KIC) Vala
High content live cell imager capable of electrical or optical stimulation and high-speed acquisition with an analysis package designed for quantifying parameters from individual cells within a well
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1250

Kinetic Imaging Cytometer (KIC)

FV300R Olympus
Resonant scanning confocal microscope equipped with 4 laser lines (405, 488, 514, and 633 nm), hybrid galvo and fast resonant scanning capabilities, ultra-sensitive GaAsP detectors with full spectral imaging, motorized XYZ stage, air and silicone oil objectives, up to 100X, and advanced image analysis with the Olympus CellSens software
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1347


BZ-X700 Keyence
Epifluorescent, brightfield, and phase imaging, image stitching for capturing images larger than one field, automated multiwell plate image sample, structured illumination, live cell imaging with video rate capture and environmental controls and built-in image analysis functions.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 1347 BZ-X700
Cytation 5 Biotek
Automated imaging system with filter cubes for DAPI, Alexa 488, Alexa 568 and Alexa 647 as well as transmitted light. It can accept slides, multiwell plates and 35mm dishes, has incubation capabilities including CO2 and software for automated capture, image processing and analysis.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 620 Cytation 5
BX41 upright Histology Microscope Olympus
Upright microscope with a Pixelink PL-D682CU color CMOS camera for brightfield and epifluorescence imaging.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 603

BX41 upright Histology Microscope

Axiovert Spinning Disk Confocal Zeiss
Spinning Disk Confocal microscope with 3 laser lines (488, 568, 640), LED epifluorescence and halogen brightfield light sources, temperature controlled enclosure, motorized XY stage, piezo-controlled Z-stage, enabled for confocal, epifluorescence and brightfield fixed and live cell imaging
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613

Axiovert Spinning Disk Confocal

LSM 880 Zeiss
Laser Scanning Confocal microscope with 6 laser lines (405/458/488/514/561/633nm), Fast Airyscan for near super-resolution confocal imaging, LED epifluorescence and halogen brightfield light sources, temperature controlled enclosure, motorized XY stage, piezo-controlled Z-stage, enabled for confocal, brightfield, and DIC, fixed and live cell imaging.
Cell Function and Imaging Core Enders 613 LSM 800
Multiphoton Microscope Olympus FV1200 MPE Multiphoton Microscope (with BX 61 microscope setup)
Multiphoton imaging of fixed or live samples; specialization in deep tissue and Intravital Imaging of live mice
PCMM Microscopy Core 200 Longwood Ave, WAB Rm247a

Multiphoton Microscope

Confocal Microscope Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscope (with IX81 microscope setup)
Confocal imaging of fixed or live samples
PCMM Microscopy Core CLS 3rd Floor, Rm 03123 Confocal Microscope
Sony MA900 Sorter MA900
Cell Sorting
hESC Core Facility RB 5214 Sony MA900 Sorter
CV7000 Imager CV7000
High-throughout high-content confocal fluorescence imaging.
hESC Core Facility RB05214

CV7000 Imager

Motion tracking system KinetiCor
Prospective motion correction of MRI images
For more information contact Simon Warfield at Simon.Warfield@childrens.harvard.edu

Motion tracking system

fMRI equipment NordicNeuroLab fMRI equipment
functional MRI data collection
For more information contact Simon Warfield at Simon.Warfield@childrens.harvard.edu
Boston Waltham

fMRI equipment

ImageStream Amnis ImageStream MarkX
Amnis ImageStream MarkX
Flow Cytometry PCMM ARM 231, 200 Longwood Ave ImageStream
BL2 Aria Cell Sorter BD FACS Aria II
BL2 Cell Sorter
Flow Cytometry PCMM ARM 239, 200 Longwood Ave. BL2 Aria Cell Sorter
Stony Cell Sorter Sony SH800Z
Cell Sorter
Flow Cytometry PCMM WAB 109, 200 Longwood Ave.

Stony Cell Sorter

CLSB-Canto Flow Cytometry Analyzer BD FACS CantoII
Flow Cytometry Analyzer with Plate Reader
Flow Cytometry PCMM CLSB 3034, 3 Blackfan Circle CLSB-Canto Flow Cytometry Analyzer
AR-CantoII Flow Cytometry Analyzer BD FACS Cantoll
Flow Cytometry Analyzer
Flow Cytometry PCMM Arm 239, 200 Longwood Ave

AR-CantoII Flow Cytometry Analyzer

Dual inverted selective plane illumination microscope ASI/DiSPIM
Light Sheet Microscope, primary niche is rapid low light dose imaging of 3D objects.
Cellular Imaging Core Enders 613 Dual inverted selective plane illumination microscope
Thermo Fisher Stericult double stacked relative humidity-controlled incubator Human Neuron Core Thermo Fisher Stericult double stacked relative humidity-controlled incubator
Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator Nikon
Epifluorescence microscope offering DIC, UV, GFP, RFP, YFP, CFP and CY5 fluorescence.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 12 12145 Nikon 80i with Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator
Biorad Droplet Digital PCR System BIORAD/QX200 with Auto DG
The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications. Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications.
Molecular Genetics CLS 16 16030.22 Biorad Droplet Digital PCR System
Magnetic Resonance
For more information contact Simon Warfield at Simon.Warfield@childrens.harvard.edu
Magnetic resonance
Von Frey Stoelting
Mechanical allodynia threshold
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04009 Von Frey
Thermal Gradient Bioseb
Threshold heat preference
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Thermal Gradient
NextSeq 500 Illumina/NextSeq 500
Provides high quality, high coverage genome with streamlined library preparation using high quality TruSeq library preparation kits.  Single, paired-end, and indexed sequencing with accuracy of > 75% of sequenced bases over Q30.  Enables researchers to interrogate simple prokaryotic and complex eukaryotic genomes quickly and efficiently.
Molecular Genetics CLS 16 16054 NextSeq 500
CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System Biorad/CFX384
The CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System is a powerful and precise real-time PCR instrument in a 384-well format, for researchers who require both ease of use and rapid, high-throughput data acquisition. The CFX384 Touch System utilizes accurate temperature control and sensitive, 4-color detection optics to deliver reliable and repeatable qPCR results for singleplex or multiplex reactions. Quickly set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated LCD touch screen, or use CFX Maestro Software to easily and intuitively design your experiment and analyze results from a connected computer. With up to four-target detection, unsurpassed thermal cycler performance, unrivaled stand-alone functionality, and powerful software, the CFX384 Touch System was designed to advance your qPCR.
Molecular Genetics CLS 16 16054 CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System
CFX 96 and CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System Biorad/CFX96
The CFX96 Touch System is a powerful, precise, and flexible real-time PCR detection system. This six-channel (five colors and one FRET channel) real-time PCR instrument combines advanced optical technology with precise temperature control to deliver sensitive, reliable detection for singlexplex or multiplex reactions. Quickly set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated LCD touch screen, or use the included CFX Maestro Software to easily and intuitively design your experiment and analyze results from a connected computer. With up to five-target detection, unsurpassed thermal cycler performance, unrivaled stand-alone functionality, and powerful yet easy-to-use software, the CFX96 Touch System is designed to advance your qPCR.
Molecular Genetics CLS 16 16054 4CFX 96 and CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System
Bionano Saphyr Bionano/Saphyr
The Saphyr System by Bionano Genomics is a whole genome imaging tool for high-speed, high-throughput structural variant detection and analysis with exceptional sensitivity and specificity. Wide range of applications includes: undiagnosed genetic disorders, hematologic malignancies, gene discovery and therapy, cell line stability, solid tumor research, genetic engineering studies, evolutionary biology, and reference genome assembly.  Resolve large-scale structural variations missed by next-generation sequencing systems. Detect structural variants with high specificity and sensitivity.
Molecular Genetics CLS 16049 Bionano Saphyr
Stereotaxic frames Harvard Apparatus Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04002/17 Stereotaxic Frames
Dissecting microscopes Leica/Zeiss
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04002/17 Leica/Zeiss
In vivo microdialysis BASi Raturn and BAS HoneyComb
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core In vivo microdialysis
Open flow microperfusion BASi Microperfusion
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04009 Open flow microperfusion
In vivo calcium imaging Neurophotometrics
Multi-fiber photometry
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 4 Portable In vivo calcium imaging
Calcium imaging and Optogenetics OASIS (Mightex)
Microendoscope fitted with fiber-coupled laser and LED light sources that is used in conjunction with implantable gradient-index (GRIN) lenses
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 4 Portable Calcium imaging and Optogenetics
Whole Body Plethysmography SCIREQ (EMKA Technologies)
Breathing measures, apneas
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04009 Whole Body Plethysmography
ECGenie Mouse Specifics
Conscious, unrestrained ECG
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04009 ECGenie
TMS with electromyography and/or accelerometry TMS with electromyography and/or accelerometry
In vivo cortical stimulation for translational experiments aimed to measure cortical excitability, cortical inhibition, cortical plasticity, motor evoked potentials
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core CLS 14 TMS with electromyography and/or accelerometry
Subdermal wire electrode EEG Cadwell Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04013 Subdermal wire electrode EEG
Tethered EEG, multichannel Pinnacle Technology
Sleep architecture analysis for up to 5 days
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04013 Tethered EEG, multichannel
Wireless EEG DSI (Harvard Bioscience)
Seizure susceptibility, epileptiform abnormalities, circadian disturbances, actigraphy, auditory evoked response potentials; continuous monitoring available for up to 4 months
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04013 Wireless EEG
Hot plate Bioseb
Noxious heat sensitivity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Hot plate
Operant Touchscreens Lafayette Instruments
Attention/working memory/flexibility
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04015 Operant Touchscreens
Morris Water Maze Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Spatial short term working memory
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04008 Morris Water Maze
Water T Maze Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Cognitive flexibility.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 Water T Maze
Y Maze Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Spatial short term working memory
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 Y Maze
Novel Object Recognition Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Short term working memory
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 Novel Object Recognition
Contextual Fear Conditioning Stoelting (ANY-maze)
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04006 Contextual Fear Conditioning"
Ultrasonic Vocalizations Sonotrack, Metris
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 BIORAD Droplet Digital PCR System
Open field/holeboards Kinder Scientific
Anxiety Activity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Open field/holeboards
Tail Suspension Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Response to Stress
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Tail Suspension
Forced Swim Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Response to Stress
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Forced Swim
Conditioned Place Preference Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Emotional response to stimulus/condition
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 Conditioned Place Preference
Elevated Plus Maze
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Elevated Plus Maze
3- Chamber Sociability Test Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Anxiety/Social Recognition
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 3-Chamber Sociability Test
Light Dark Box Ethovision XT (Noldus)
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04014 Light Dark Box
Conditioned Fear Ugo Basile
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04006 Conditioned Fear
ActiTrack locomotor activity Harvard Apparatus
Voluntary activity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 ActiTrack locomotor activity
Grip Strength tse-systems
Motor Strength
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04009 Grip Strength
DigiGait Mouse Specifics
Gait Analysis
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04004 DigiGait
Treadmill IITC Life Science
Forced Activity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04018 Treadmill
Rotarod Columbus Instrument
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04018 Rotarod
Pre-pulse Inhibition Kinder Scientific
Sensorimotor Gating
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04006 Acoustic Startle Reflex
Acoustic Startle Reflex Kinder Scientific
Hearing reflex.
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04006 Acoustic Startle Reflex
qOMR (Automated Optomotor) Phenosys
Visual acuity (brain stem reflex)
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04004 qOMR (Automated Optomotor)
Optomotor Celebral Mechanics
Visual acuity (brain stem reflex)
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04004 Optomotor
Activity Wheels tse-systems
Voluntary Activity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp 04016 Activity Wheels
Inframot (Infared Motion Sensor) tse-systems
Voluntary activity
Animal Behavior & Physiology Core Karp RM 04016 Inframot (Infared Motion Sensor)
4-Laser Fortessa (Analyzer) BD LSRFortessa
This Fortessa is an air-cooled four-laser benchtop flow Cytometer analyzer. It provides our users with the ability to measure up to 12 colors + 2 Scatters. Hydrodynamically focused sample is interrogated within a quartz cuvette flow cell. Sample Aspiration rates at 12ul, 35ul, 60ul per minute.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8016 4-Laser Fortessa (Analyzer)
5-Laser LSR II (Analyzer) BD LSR II Sorp
This LSR II is an air-cooled five-laser benchtop flow Cytometer analyzer. It provides our users with the ability to measure up to 15 colors + 2 Scatters. The LSR II is equipped with high throughput sampler that provides rapid, fully automated sample acquisition. They are compatible with 96-well U, V, and flat-bottom plates as well as 384-well microtiter plates.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8016 5 Laser LSR II (Analyzer)
5-Laser Fortessa (Analyzer) BD LSRFortessa Sorp
This LSRFortessa is an air-cooled five-laser benchtop flow Cytometer analyzer. It provides our users with the ability to measure up to 15 colors + 2 Scatters. They are compatible with 96-well U, V, and flat-bottom plates as well as 384-well microtiter plates.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8016 5-Laser Fortessa (Analyzer)
The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications. Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 6113 4-Laser FACSFusion (BL-2 Sorter)
4-Laser FACSAria (BL2-Sorter) BD FACSARIA II
The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications. Most precise and sensitive digital PCR solution for a wide variety of applications.
Flow Cytometry CLS 15 15037 4-Laser FACSAria (BL2-Sorter)
6-Laser FACSAria (sorter) BD FACSARIA II
This instrument is capable of measuring 15 parameters, providing higher flexibility in experiment design for sorting. It is equipped with a 561 and 449 Laser line permitting detecting of Mcherry and cyan protein. This instrument provide all the great features we come to expect with the FACSAria sorters such as customized speed, multi population, variety of collection vessels and index sorting.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8113 6-Laser FACSAria (Sorter)
3-Laser FACSAria (BL2-Sorter) BD FACSARIA II
The FACSAria cell sorter provides customized speed sorting. This instrument is bl2 certified and equipped with an Aerosol Management option for operator protection.  Well designed for your research needs, the FACSAria allows simultaneous sorting 4 populations.  Collection can be done in tubes or Plate.  Index sorting now provides the option of match single cell profile with Fluorescence Intensity. 
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8113 3-Laser FACSAria (BL2-Sorter)
GeneChip Microarray Scanner Thermo Fisher/3000 7G
Scan next-generation higher-density arrays, including SNP arrays with up to 900,000 SNPs, tiling arrays for transcription and all-exon arrays for whole-genome analysis.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16 16030.24 GeneChip Microarray Scanner
Agilent Microarray Scanner Agilent/SureScan
CGH & CGH+SNP Microarray Scanner. The Agilent SureScan Scanner provides a precise and efficient microarray scanner system for many research applications. Designed for research using microarrays, the scanner system provides a laser-induced fluorescence scanning solution designed to read microarrays printed on standard 1 inch by 3 inch glass slides. The Agilent SureScan Scanner provides a precise and efficient microarray scanner system for many research applications. Designed for research using microarrays, the scanner system provides a laser-induced fluorescence scanning solution designed to read microarrays printed on standard 1 inch by 3 inch glass slides.The microarray instrumentation measures the fluorescence intensity of two dyes simultaneously from labeled sample nucleic acid bound to microarrays. The system also enhances productivity with continuous loading from a 24-slide cassette and automatic loading of data files into Feature Extraction Software. It also features built-in ozone protection to minimize signal degradation. 
Molecular Genetics CLS 16 16030.23 Agilent Microarray Scanner
Combi Thermo Fisher/Combi
Housed in a sterile BL2 cabinet the combi takes advantage of a peristaltic pump to dispense cells into 96 and 384 cell culture plates. Dead volume if around 3-4ml with a dispense taking typically 10-12 seconds. Using this system minimizes varability in dispense volume and reduction in time to dispense multiple plates by hand.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121 Combi
Mantis Formulatrix
The Mantis is a medium throughput liquid handler with extremely low dead volume. The liquid handler uses either conventional pipette tips or reagents dispensed from 50 or 15ml Falcon tubes (for continous flow/bulk dispense). The Mantis is ideal for single well dispense of precious reagents. Fully programmable with a simple, yet powerful GUI. Examples of automated protocols using the Mantis within the core. NGS Library Prep (RNA-Seq), Magnetic Bead Dispensing, PCR Master Mix, Precious Reagent Dispensing, Cell Dispensing, PCR Setup.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 160


Bravo, Benchcel and Plateloc  Agilent
The Agilent Bravo is a versatile liquid handling platform capable of performing multiple tasks controlled from a simple graphical user interface. ADSF lab staff will assist investigators in the programming of custom protocols to facilitate reproducible pipetting for all experiments and assays. The 96-well microtip bravo head provides accurate liquid handling from 0.3-70µl. The Benchcel 4r microplate handler is a combination of automated microplate handling, and storage, that delivers speed and precision from the 4 intergrated microplate stacks and Plateloc microplate sealer. Intergration of the Bravo, Benchcel and Plateloc gives the ADSF a flexible system that can accommodate a wide variety of liquid handling tasks.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 160

Bravo, Benchcel and Plateloc 

Spinnaker Robotic Arm Thermo Fisher Canada/Spinnaker
The Spinnaker robot arm works in conjunction with the two HCS imaging systems and the cytomat 5C hotelling incubator, to provide scheduled autonomous plate imaging capabilities. Book to reserve your inventory position in the cytomat 5C.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121

Spinnaker Robotic Arm

Molecular Devices IXM-C High content screening with live cell imaging Molecular Devices/IXM-C
The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System is a high content imaging system with confocality giving you the ultimate combination of speed, sensitivity and flexibility. High-resolution dual disk configuration with 60 micron confocal pinhole, 42 micron pinhole confocal and widefield modes. The Environmental Control Option for the ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System can be configured to mimic conditions within a laboratory incubator (temperature control, gas mixture and humidity) to keep cells alive for long periods of time, making high-content screening kinetic and time lapse experiments a reality. During assay development, the Fluidics option facilitates compound addition and cell washing to characterize potency or to determine incubation times for higher throughput fixed time point assays.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121

Molecular Devices IXM-C High content screening with live cell imaging

VIAFLO 96/384 liquid handler from Integra VIAFLO 96/384 liquid handler from Integra
Easy-to-use liquid handler that allows for exchange of liquid in 96-well or 384-well formats for changing media, adding compounds, setting up qPCR plates, making plate dilutions, washing plates, fixing plates, staining plates, etc.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 163

VIAFLO 96/384 liquid handler from Integra

IncuCyte S3 Live Imaging System from Sartorius IncuCyte S3 
The IncuCyte S3 is an industry leading screening platform for population based high-content analysis (HCA) that adds a new dimension of being able to image the same culture over time. The instrument fits conveniently into a standard CO2 incubator requiring no special adaptation, whilst accommodating up to 6 pieces of labware simultaneously (any plate type that conforms to the ANSI/Society for Lab Automation and Screening (SLAS) standard). The system possesses a fully automated, hands-free operation for periods exceeding 25 days, with automated imaging quality not deviating over these extended periods of time. This enables the end user to establish analysis of long-term cell cultures in vitro, a feature that is lacking in many competing platforms. 
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 163

IncuCyte S3 Live Imaging System from Sartorius

Hamamatsu Functional Drug Screening System FDSS 7000 EX Hamamatsu FDSS7000EX 
The FDSS700ex is an advanced high throughput screening-dispense and imaging sytem for cell-based assays. The instrument optically detects intracellular reaction and biological signal transmissions to discover new lead compounds, which could be candidates for new drugs. Using adherent, suspension or primary cells the FDSS700 is capable of detecting intracellular Ca2+ ion, membrane potential, ion channel. 
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121

Hamamatsu Functional Drug Screening System FDSS 7000 EX

ArrayScan™ XTI: High content screening with live cell imaging  ThermoFisher ArrayScan™ XTI 
The ArrayScan XTI (ThermoFisher Scientific) features a temperature- and CO2-controlled live cell chamber to assay cell biology over several days. An integrated liquid handler administers compounds well by well, capturing real-time changes in fluorescence with speeds up to 10 Hz with an enhanced. CCD camera and seven-color LED light source, using 6-well to 384-well labware. The instrument is ideally suited for automated image analysis of many cell types, particularly heterogeneous cell preparations that may require detec- tion of co-expressed markers to identify subsets of cells.
Human Neuron Core CLS 12 121

ArrayScan™ XTI: High content screening with live cell imaging 

Multi-electrode array (MEA) Axion Biosystems Maestro Pro
The Maestro multielectrode array technology (Axion Biosystems) enables analysis of neural networks and electroactive tissue at unprecedented throughput and scale. This system is ideal for large-scale cellular analysis in drug screening applications and for phenotyping human neurons.
Human Neuron CLS 12 12160.2 Multi-electrode array (MEA)
MaiTai Ti-Sapphire lasers (for Olympus MPE-RS & Zeiss 710)  Newport
(available for use with the Olympus MPE-RS or the Zeiss 710)
Cellular Imaging Core Varies

MaiTai Ti-Sapphire lasers (for Olympus MPE-RS & Zeiss 710)

IMARIS 9 visualization and analysis software BitPlane
3D/4D visualization and analysis for cell based segmentation, automated tracking, detection, interactive lineage trees and statistical tests (for customization in Matlab, Java or Python).
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035

IMARIS 9 visualization and analysis software

CLARITYTissue clearing system Life Canvas
An ‘all-in-one’ instrument for tissue clearing. This system is able to process, and clarify a whole adult mouse brain in under 48 hours, allowing the sample to then be immunolabelled (IF/ICC, endogenous expression) and imaged downstream.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 12 12145

Tissue clearing system

TCS SP8-STED microscope (super-resolution) Leica 
The base of this system is a standard confocal microscope suitable. Also available at the system is the Leica TCS SP8 STED ONE with white-light laser, for super-resolution STED imaging. 
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035 SP8-STED Super resolution microscope 
MPE-RS Confocal/Multiphoton - Laser Scanning Olympus
System capable of in vivo imaging in anesthesized and awake behaving mice and rats. Custom rig set-up available.
Cellular Imaging Core Enders SB-0068

MPE-RS Confocal/Multiphoton - Laser Scanning

Ti Eclipse inverted microscope Nikon
Equipped with an incubator unit and automated stage, this system allows long term imaging of living samples.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035 Ti Eclipse inverted microscope
E800 Transmitted Light/Fluorescence Microscope with oil objectives Nikon
Epifluorescence microscope offering DIC, UV, GFP, RFP, YFP, CFP and CY5 fluorescence.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035 E800 Transmitted Light/Fluorescence Microscope with oil objectives
80i Fluorescence Microscope with dry objectives Nikon
Epifluorescence microscope offering DIC, UV, GFP, RFP, YFP, CFP and CY5 fluorescence.  
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 12 12145 80i Fluorescence Microscope with dry objectives
SteREO Discovery Dissecting Microscope Zeiss
Ideal for dissections this microscope uses a variable LED transmitted light base for even illumination of specimens, supplemental fibre optic illuminators, and a rotatable nosepiece with a 0.3 x, 0.5 x and 1 x objectives with programmable motorized zoom. Video capable for protocol development.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 12 12145 SteREO Discovery Dissecting Microscope
LSM 710 Multiphoton Laser Scanning Confocal Zeiss
This instrument has a MaiTai tuneable IR laser and 2 channel GaAsP non-descanned detector for multiphoton imaging. Laser lines include 453, 488, 514, 561, 594 and 633.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035 LSM 710 Multiphoton Laser Scanning Confocal
LSM 700 Laser Scanning Confocal Zeiss
This upright confocal is particularly suitable for combinations of GFP/YFP with the new generation of fluorescent proteins (e.g. mOrange/mCherry), and is fitted with a manual stage, facilitating easy location of samples/regions of interest.
Cellular Imaging Core CLS 13 13035

LSM 700 Laser Scanning Confocal

3-Laser MACSVYB (Analyzer) Miltenyi MACSVYB
The MACSQuant VYB is a versatile 3 laser, 10-parameter flow cytometer that has enhanced capabilities for detection of fluorescent protein reporters. It is a fully operated instrument capable of running multi-tube, 96 and 384 plates. 
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8018 3-Laser MACSVYB
ADVIA 2120 Hematology Analyzer Sysmex Advia 2120
The ADVIA is a hematology analyzer for measure blood count. It provides the flexibility of measuring multiple diff species and complete blood count with differential and reticulocyte count. 
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 8018
ADVIA 2120 Hematology Analyzer
6-Laser FACSAria (Sorter) BD FACSARIA II
This instrument is capable of measuring 15 parameters, providing higher flexibility in experiment design for sorting. It is equipped with a 561 and 449 Laser line permitting detecting of Mcherry and cyan protein. This instrument provide all the great features we come to expect with the FACSAria sorters such as customized speed, multi population, variety of collection vessels and index sorting.
Molecular Genetics Core Karp 8 RM 8113 6-Laser FACSAria
MACSVYB is an air-cooled three-laser benchtop flow Cytometer analyzer. It provides our users with the ability to measure up to 8 colors + 2 Scatters It is equipped with high throughput sampler that provides rapid, fully automated sample acquisition. They are compatible with 96-well U, V, and flat-bottom plates as well as 384-well microtiter plates
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 08016


This Aria is located in CLS building room 15037. It is inside a self-contain hood allowing for sorting of Primary Human in a complete sterile environment. The CLS-Aria is a bench-top high-speed sorter with fixed- alignment cuvette flow cell for high fluorescence sensitivity.
Flow Cytometry Karp RM 6113 4 Laser ARIA FUSION
This Aria is located in CLS building room 15037. It is inside a self-contain hood allowing for sorting of Primary Human in a complete sterile environment. The CLS-Aria is a bench-top high-speed sorter with fixed- alignment cuvette flow cell for high fluorescence sensitivity.
Flow Cytometry CLS 15 15037 4 Laser CLS-ARIA
6 Laser Self-Aria BD FACS ARIA II
This Aria can be operated by our staff or users who have been trained and certified by our facility. It is bench-top high-speed sorter with fixed- alignment cuvette flow cell for high fluorescence sensitivity.
Karp Rm 8113

6 Laser Self-Aria

Agilent Bioanalyzer Agilent/Bioanalyzer 2100
The 2100 Bioanalyzer system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for the sample quality control of biomolecules. The 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument, together with the 2100 Expert Software and Bioanalyzer assays, provide highly precise analytical evaluation of various samples types in many workflows, including next generation sequencing (NGS), gene expression, biopharmaceutical, and gene editing research. Digital data is provided in a timely manner and delivers objective assessment of sizing, quantitation, integrity and purity from DNA, RNA, and proteins. Minimal sample volumes are required for an accurate result, and the data may be exported in a many different formats for ease-of-use. 
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16 16030.23 Agilent Bioanalyzer
Perkin Elmer Multilabel Counter Perkin Elmer/Victor3
Fluorescence detection for quantification using Picogreen or Ribogreen.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16 16030.22 Perkin Elmer Multilabel Counter
Fluidigm Biomark high-performance PCR system Fluidigm/Biomark
Microfluidics technology to process samples at nanoliter-scale volumes for gene expression, genotyping, sample identification, copy number variation analysis and digital PCR. Ideal for labs performing PCR on hundreds to thousands of samples. Provides a wide range of integrated fluidic circuit (IFC) formats available, scaling from mid- to high throughput on a single system is easily achievable. Available controller are HX, MX, and RX.
Molecular Genetics Core CLS 16 16030.21 Fluidigm Biomark high-performance PCR system